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Cows' milk production
3 942 501 t
Gone up vs. previous year
Ewes' milk production
11 688 t
Gone up vs. previous year
Goats' milk production
26 105 t
Sunk vs. previous year

The milk statistics provide data on the quantities of raw milk produced by cows, sheep and goats in the previous calendar year and its use for human consumption and feed purposes. On the basis of a calculation model developed at federal province level and existing administrative data (milk performance control data from Rinderzucht Austria and the Austrian Federal Association for Sheep and Goats; data on direct marketing as well as milk quantities delivered to dairies and processing units from Agrarmarkt Austria), the annual results on milk production and use are determined including estimates by relevant experts from the federal chambers of agriculture.

Production means the amount of raw milk produced through the process of milking by the herd of animals kept on the farms. This also includes quantities of milk that are subsequently fed to other animals. Use means the utilization of the quantity of milk produced in this way.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, milk statistics, federal chambers of agriculture. Compiled on 23 June 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, milk statistics, federal chambers of agriculture. Compiled on 23 June 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, milk statistics, federal chambers of agriculture. Compiled on 23 June 2023.

Date Title PDF download
2023-06-23 file Cowsʼ milk production increased slightly in 2022
105.5 KB
2022-06-24 file Cows' milk production slightly increased in 2021
80.6 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2024-06-25 calendar-alt Milk production and usage 2023
Agriculture and forestry / Animals, animal production / Milk
final PR

Agriculture and forestry / Animals, animal production / Milk /

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Last updated on 2023-06-23.
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